I help businesses succeed with data-driven, user-centered design.

Collaboration matters.

In my role at startup Mightier, I played a key role in driving growth by collaborating across teams to redesign the website and add new app features. I provided services such as user research, competitive analysis, iterative design, prototyping, and usability testing to guarantee that the final products effectively addressed user needs and aligned with business goals.
UX Design
User Testing
I was design lead for an app feature that pivoted into a resources page redesign. I interviewed parents and usability tested our site to learn if resource content might help with acquisition and retention. After launch, analytics revealed an increase in engagement and a decreased bounce rate.

Mightier Resources Page UX Design

Mightier Resources Page UX Design

Mightier Enterprise Pages UX Design

I collaborated with the marketing team to create a first draft of webpages targeting employers and health plans. Building on their competitive analysis, I structured information and designed data visualization to demonstrate the need for children’s mental health resources. Using these pages, the company successfully rolled out their campaign.

Mightier Enterprise Pages UX Design

Details matter.

During my time with small business CKB, I proactively addressed challenges at both strategic and operational levels. I conducted a heuristic evaluation of the website, developed a new service model and pricing plans, crafted engaging design and UX writing for marketing materials, and optimized workflows and communication processes for improved efficiency. These collective efforts ensured continued growth as the company shifted into a more lucrative market.
I strategized service models and pricing menus with CKB, refined their value proposition, and then designed and UX wrote marketing materials that addressed user pain points. With elevated services, content and visuals, she was able to successfully market to her target customers, reduce labor and more than double her average project profits.

CKB UX Design & Writing


CKB UX Design

I helped CKB define and organize her complex workflows and internal/external communications. This resulted in the removal of bottlenecks and unnecessary steps that, in turn, streamlined processes from acquisition through to project completion.

CKB UX Workflows & Processes


CKB UX Workflows & Processes

Passion matters.

I believe UX can be an ethical tool, uniquely able to discover and address equity issues through human-centered design. I'm especially interested in the work yet to be done at the intersections of race, gender, education, poverty, disability, and mental and physical healthcare.
I collaborated with another designer on a maternal health app and blood pressure cuff smartwatch design to help pregnant people predict, monitor and manage their hypertensive disease. Our interview and test participants said access to this information and support would improve their pregnancy experiences.

Novi Health App & Wearable UX Design


Novi Health App & Wearable UX Design

Additional UX Design e-commerce projects:
I interviewed and surveyed toiletry users about their purchasing habits to discover pain points with subscription services, strategizing a flexible plan free of dark patterns. Then I designed a brand to reflect the owner’s story and a responsive website that would reach and appeal to her broad spectrum of customers.

BDC Website UX & Brand Design


BDC Website UX & Brand Design

I conducted user research to find out why millennials loathed buying insurance. After usability testing a consolidated information page and a wizard form purchasing process, participants found the task significantly easier than previous experiences.

Kaus Website UX Design

Kaus Website UX Design

Experience matters.

With four years of UX experience and a lifelong affinity for design across many creative disciplines, I have found deep satisfaction in drawing out the hidden needs in a human experience and meeting them with expertise and beauty.

My approach to design is influenced by nearly two decades of experience in education, caregiving, social work, customer service and small business ownership:

• Establishing trust through empathy and curiosity
• Analyzing insights for patterns
• Collaboratively developing action plans
• Fostering safe spaces for honest feedback
• Adapting to unexpected challenges
• Measuring progress for continuous improvement
• Reflecting on lessons learned for future projects

If your team is in need of a collaborative, detailed, passionate product designer, please reach out! I'd love to speak with you about how my experience and skills can contribute to the achievement of your goals.

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Let's connect.

I'm Renee Bruhn,

Tragically, my all-encompassing dream job remained elusive until one day, while doom-scrolling Instagram, I spotted a friend’s post about her career pivot into UX. It seemed too good to be true: research, analysis, and design in order to (hopefully) better the world???
But it wasn’t just a fever dream! I immediately copied my friend, got schooled and practiced the heck out of UX. Luckily, all that time backpacking wasn’t wasted, because teaching, social work and business skills help me research, communicate and understand user needs. And music and makeup artistry skills help me structure content and keep the visuals and copy cohesive. It's almost like it was meant to be.
I’m fulfilled by helping people
Solving problems gives me joy
All the bones in my body are creative 
When perusing a hodgepodge colorfully varied resume, it’s usually safe to assume that millennial took a gap decade backpacking through Career Land to find herself. 100% accurate.
and I've been designing my whole life. Whether it's music composition, visual arts or product design, the work of creative problem-solving carries the same familiar thrill of challenge and reward that I love.

My breadth of experience in design, small business, education, and social work helps me strategically, diagnostically, and creatively approach problem-solving with a range of modalities.
If you're a company whose products play a part of meaningful change in people's lives, I'd love to work with you.
Most recently, I worked with a company that supports children’s mental health through biofeedback-based video gaming. Working cross-functionally with various teams, I conducted user research and created data-driven designs to increase conversion rate.
After composing, teaching, social working and makeup artistry businessing, this special snowflake emerged with three major takeaways:
Makeup Artist / Business Owner
UX Designer
Social Worker
Music Teacher / Composer
Sporting my participation ribbon like it’s a limited edition Lisa Frank puffy sticker. 
What I Need
Visual creativity
Growth potential
The B.U.X. (Before UX) journey.
For more details, take a gander at my resume.
If you want to talk with me about cheese, my emoji choices or hiring me at your amazing company, send me a message below. I look forward to it.

Some strengths:

Growth mindset
Human-centered technology
Multiple perspectives

Some things I value:

I think in gif
Cheese is my soulmate
There may be some cheaters game players out there who view me as slightly competitive

Some other things:

Drop me a line, if you please.

I would like to: